According to state law, each school board is required, at their January School Board Meeting, to approve the number of regular and special education seats available for open enrollment students for the 2022-2023 school year. The formula/process used to determine the number of regular and special education seats available was approved at the December 16, 2019, school board meeting.
On January 24, 2022, the Nicolet Union High School District School Board approved the number of open enrollment seats for the 2022-2023 school year:
There are no open enrollment seats available for special education.
There are no open enrollment seats available for regular education.
Nicolet Union High School District Board Policy 5113 OPEN ENROLLMENT PROGRAM
If you have any questions regarding open enrollment for Nicolet Union High School, please call Amy Lee at 414.351.7520.
If you have questions regarding open enrollment, you may call the open enrollment consultant at 888-245-2732 or visit the dpi website at: